The holidays are just around the corner, and most of us are starting to fill with the excitement that accompanies the gift-giving season. That’s probably because there’s truth to the old adage that the joy of giving far exceeds the joy of receiving.
But for others of us, we’re left worrying about whether we’ll pick the right gifts for the people we love. Will they like it? Hate it? End up returning our present? (If so, better get a gift receipt.) Or perhaps they’ll be so disappointed, they’ll start wondering if we really know them at all…
If this sounds like you, keep in mind that:
Each and every one of us has psychic intuition.
As one of Boston’s best psychic mediums, I believe that we all have psychic abilities, whether we acknowledge them or not. And that includes psychic intuition. All you have to do is tune into that intuition, listen to it, and make decisions that flow from it.
If you’ve traditionally had issues with buying the right gift for the right person, you might want to consider using psychic intuition to uncover it.
What is psychic intuition?
Psychic intuition is an immediate, instinctive, almost unconscious knowing. It’s that feeling you get when you just know something, but can’t really point to any particular reason why – only to later find out you were right.
Can you develop your psychic intuition?
We all have intuition, to some degree. But the great news is that our innate gift of intuition can be nurtured – and grow stronger – through practice.
The more you use it, the more you develop it. And the more you come to trust your intuition and rely on it to make decisions, the more you’ll find your actions are in sync with the wisdom of both your higher self and the Universe as a whole.
How can my psychic intuition help me choose gifts for my loved ones this holiday season?
Tapping into your psychic intuition helps you to connect deeply with your authentic self, and the Universe. Once you access this place of calm wisdom, removed from the daily “noise” we all experience in life, you will simply know whether you’re making the best possible choice or not.
The below meditation is one way to help you tune into your intuition.
Take a couple of minutes to yourself in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes, and slow your breathing.
Once you feel calm and relaxed, focus your attention on the person you’re giving a gift to. Blank your mind and ask your intuition what gift they might really enjoy.
Wait a few moments, and listen to what your intuition tells you. Be mindful that messages can come in several forms, like images, words, sounds, etc.
Now, this practice may work if you’re doing some at-home preparation before you set out to buy a gift, but you might be wondering how you can use your intuition if you’re in a crowded retail store, or about to make a purchase online.
In these cases, take a moment, breathe, and check in with your gut about the item you’re about to purchase for your loved one. Does it feel right? Is something off? Follow your gut.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.