The holiday season gives us the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines.
Yet even those of us looking forward to time spent over hot cocoa with family and close friends know the season can also trigger some pretty stressful situations.
Maybe you’ve got an aunt who never fails to ask about an ex-boyfriend or your current love life – which she knows is a touchy subject for you. Perhaps you’re concerned you’ll overindulge in the food, partying, and spending, or you just get overwhelmed at large social gatherings.
Whatever the case may be, you might want to try using your intuition to help you through the next few weeks.
Don’t Be A Slave To Mindless Obligation
One of the biggest problems many of us have this time of year is saying yes to events or another plate of food or spending money on a gift for someone when we don’t really want to – out of mindless obligation.
For example, a toxic cousin of yours invites you to a party. You say yes because, “It’s my cousin. I have to go.”
There’s a co-worker whose feelings would be crushed if you don’t buy her a present, especially since you’re buying one for another co-worker who is your close friend. So you spend your money and time getting her a gift, even though your heart’s not in it because, “I have to. She’d be so hurt if I don’t get her a gift.”
You’re stuffed to the brim after indulging in a substantial turkey dinner, but your aunt says you’ve just got to try her meat lasagna. So you oblige her even though your body tells you no because, “She prepared the meal and worked so hard on it. I have to eat it.”
Sound like you?
Nothing creates more stress than going against what your authentic self truly desires because “you have to.”
Your Biggest Gift This Holiday Season Is Your Intuition
As one of Boston’s top psychic mediums, I have clients coming to me all the time who feel they need to do something – not because they want to, but because they should.
That “s” word is one of the worst, in my opinion. It usually means you’re putting someone else’s needs, desires, or preferences ahead of your own.
Here’s my advice to making your holidays wonderful:
Check in with yourself before saying yes.
Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe deeply, quiet your mind, and ask yourself if you really want to say yes – to spending time at a particular party, to that fifth piece of pizza, or whatever the opportunity may be.
And listen for your inner wisdom’s response.
That’s you checking in with your intuition – your higher self.
If your intuition says no, communicate this in a very polite way to your loved ones, but stay true to yourself.
By tuning into your intuition, you’ll start to make decisions that are aligned with what you truly want and need. This can go a long way in making your holiday season a happy and joyous one.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.