As one of Boston’s top psychic mediums in practice for almost 30 years, I have helped many clients communicate with their loved ones who have passed over. If it’s your first time getting a psychic medium reading, or if you simply want to improve the readings you’ve been having, here are three tips to help you get the most out of the experience.
Tip #1: No alarms and no surprises.
In order to get the best possible reading, you want to ensure as clear a communication and connection as possible. If this is a phone reading, choose a private, quiet space where you won’t be disturbed or interrupted. If this is an in-person meeting, give yourself ample time – with a little to spare – to get to the location so you aren’t rushing. Those few minutes you’re early will allow you to be relaxed and open.
You’ll also want to make sure you have nothing that may be upsetting or overly stimulating scheduled immediately before – your appointment that might divert your attention or occupy your thoughts. Your goal is to be totally present, relaxed, and calm. You see, your energy will affect both yourself and the medium. If you’re in a frazzled state, or thinking about some other pressing issue or meeting you need to be at, you may not hear or recognize the messages you do receive.
Tip #2: Connecting with your psychic medium
This is crucial. If I am receiving and giving you messages that don’t make sense, please be patient. The spirit that’s coming through is doing their best to lower their vibration to communicate. I am raising my vibration to meet that spirit somewhere in the middle. The reading should settle in once the vibrational connection is right. The spirit may also be new to communicating and not quite sure how it works. Of course, if after 10 – 15 minutes you’re still not feeling a connection, tell me and we can decide together whether to continue or end the reading.
Tip #3: Keep an open mind.
While it’s understandable – and can even be beneficial – to have a healthy bit of skepticism going into a reading, you don’t want to be so closed to the experience that you miss out on messages intended for you. Your psychic medium will likely tell you intimate, accurate, and compelling details about your lost loved one that come through during the reading. These details, also known as “evidence,” should prove the identiy of the spirit who is communcating.
A message might come through that you’re unsure about. The way most psychic mediums, including myself, receive information is not linear. We get a lot of messages, sometimes all at once, and we must describe to you what we see, hear, feel, or know without interpreting. If we interpret the image – we might get it wrong. We describe the image and let you interpret it.
Some things you may not know about your loved one. It may seem like a miss when you hear certain information. Check with a family or friend open to spirit communication to see if they may know details that your loved one provided that you don’t know.
Some messages might not make a whole lot of sense to you at the moment you hear it, but will in the near future. You may also feel you’re on the spot in your session. Many people experience, “psychic amnesia” at some time in their session and can’t connect with important details such as their mother’s maiden name. Most mediums know this happens and are not deterred. We know that if a spirit is determined to connect with you, they’ll figure out how to get through to you.
For additional advice on what to expect and how best to prepare for your reading, check out these Reading Tips.
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