Using Psychic Intuition To Uncover Your Life’s Purpose

by Mary Trettenero February 8th, 2017

Boston, Ma.

At some point in our lives, we may find ourselves wondering exactly why we’ve been put on this Earth. As one of Boston’s top psychic mediums, it is my belief – shared by countless others with a spiritual nature – that we are all here for a reason, and that there are no such thing as accidents. If you’re pondering what the purpose of your life is, consider using psychic intuition to uncover it. 

What is psychic intuition?

Do you ever sometimes feel you just know or sense something, but can’t really pinpoint any valid reason for why you feel that way – only to later find out you were right? That’s your intuition at work. You immediately, instinctively, almost unconsciously believe you know something to be true, without needing a rationale.

We each have the gift of innate intuition, to greater or lesser extents, and some of us are more in tune or aware of it than others. The great news is that you can cultivate your gift through practice. The more you use it, the more you develop it. And the more you listen to your intuition – or trust it – the more you will find it guiding you toward your life’s purpose.

How can I use psychic intuition to help me find my life’s purpose?

Psychic intuition can be used to develop and enhance a deep spiritual connection within, giving you access to the wisdom of both your higher self, and the Universe as a whole. It is here, when removed from the noise and competing demands of the physical world we live in, that you can learn what it is you are meant to do, and what your true desires are. To tap into this connection, I recommend daily meditation.

How to overcome anxiety and unblock your psychic ability.

Find about twenty minutes during which you know you will not be disturbed. Sit in a chair in a relaxed position, and close your eyes. Slow your breathing and try to empty your mind. You may want to visualize your mind as a vast, blank chalkboard. Another technique I like is to imagine that there is a bright, strong light, such as the sun, shining down on you, entering your body from the top of your head, and filling each body part with its warmth right down to, and out, your feet. As the light washes through you, imagine it cleansing away the day’s thoughts, anxieties, and concerns.

Once you feel calm and relaxed, bring to mind the questions you’ve been pondering about your life’s direction and purpose. See clearly where you are, and ask yourself where you want to be, where you are meant to be. If you want to know what course of action to take with regard to a specific decision, ask now. Wait, and listen to what your intuition – your senses, your feelings – tell you. Be alert to the messages you receive. Know that these messages can come in various forms, like words spoken, sounds, lights, visions, and so on.

Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today

Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.

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