Mediumship readings, talking to your loved ones on the Other Side, top the list of the most popular psychic readings. Psychic intuitive sessions, reading a person’s or people’s energy field(s), is the second most popular. As I’ve said in previous blog posts, there’s a big difference between psychic medium readings and psychic intuitive readings, and you need to know what type of reading you want, so you book the right psychic. Did you know there are also other types of readings? Here are ten popular types of psychic readings in the metro Boston area.. The list below is not in any particular order.
Fortune Telling
– fortune telling dates back to the earliest civilisations. Anthropologists have found some form of divination in every culture. Today, predicting the future is considered fortune-telling. Surprisingly, not all psychics believe you can predict the future. Reading tea leaves and regular playing cards among other techniques are considered fortune-telling.
Tarot Card Readings
– Tarot cards go back to the 14th century. Later they became a board game for the Italian royalty. In the past, tarot cards have been synonymous with fortune telling, but today, many different types of readers use tarot cards. Some people prefer readings with tarot cards because it feels less invasive. I still use tarot cards because the color of the cards stimulates my psychic ability.
Psychic Intuitive Sessions
– These readings are usually spiritually based. The intuitive reads the energy of the person in front of them and people, places and things on the earth plane. Information about that client’s pas, present and future are contained in that client’s aura or energy field.
Angel Card Readings
– Angel Card readings are similar to psychic intuitive readings except that the reader uses a special angel deck and calls on the angelic realm for divine guidance.
Psychic Mediumship
– These readings are specifically about talking to a client’s loved one’s who have died. The medium is not tapping into the energy in that person’s aura. You can’t choose which spirit will show up though they should be familiar to you so you can verify details that the medium gives you.Sometimes, you may hear from an unwanted spirit. Mediumship readings are especially helpful if someone is bereaved. Hearing from their loved ones and knowing they’re okay can be healing.
Group Readings
– A psychic medium usually conducts group readings with 3 or more people in the room at the same time. The medium tries to bring through spirits for as many people as possible during the allotted time. Not everyone is guaranteed a reading. These group readings are like the old Victorian séances, except that today the lights are on, and there are no theatrics.
– Demonstrations or “Dems” are large group readings where they may be hundreds or thousands of people in the room. Demonstrations are conducted by one or more mediums. The medium attempts to bring through spirits for as many audience members as possible during the allotted time.
– these readings reflect where the planets were in the sky on the day someone was born and how the movement of the planets today affects them now. Astrology readings are good for timing, relocation and compatibility among many other things. These readings can tell you which aspect of your life is most impacted by the planetary lineup today and for the year ahead.
– Palmistry, like astrology is one of the most scientific types of psychic readings. Everyone’s hands have the same significant lines such as the headline, heartline and lifeline. These lines are deeply carved into the hand, or frayed and broken. It is significant if there is an absence of one of these major lines. You can read someone’s health in their hands
– Numerology is based on numbers having a mystical meaning. Your birthdate, your birth name and the name you use today, all translate into a specific unique number that describes your personality and your life purpose.
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