Eight Reasons Why There Is Still A Stigma About Consulting A Psychic

by Mary Trettenero in February 29th, 2016

Eight Reasons Why There Is Still A Stigma

Have you ever had such an exceptional psychic reading that you wanted to tell everyone about it? If so, you probably soon discovered that not everyone shares your enthusiasm about psychics. Your experience may have convinced you that psychics are real. Yet, there are lots of others who still think psychics are just good guessers and mind readers.

As an intuitive counselor with 30 years of service, I know how many people seek help from psychics. My colleagues and I have read for tens of thousands of clients and work hard at changing the image people have of psychics. We hold ourselves to the highest professional standards. We also teach high standards in classroom settings to up and coming psychics. Why hasn’t this changed our image? Why is there still such a stigma attached to working with a psychic?

The eight reasons

1. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

2. There is no value in having a session with a psychic where you’ll be talking about things you don’t need to know. Everything you need to know you can figure out by yourself.

3. Psychics make foolish claims. There is no scientific proof that psychic abilities actually exist.

4. You want to consult a psychic but you care too much about what other people think. You don’t care enough about what you think.

5. Certain religions deem psychic practices to be blasphemous. You may still be holding onto random religious beliefs that you heard as a child but never examined.

6. You need to have absolute control over every aspect of your life. You’re a control freak so you can’t seek out a psychic because you have no control over what they say. .

7. We live in a science based culture. Intuitive abilities are nice to have but are not required like logic is.

8. Somewhere along the way in life someone told you not to consult a psychic and it stuck with you. You think all psychics are alike and read alike. You think it’s hoaky and you have no idea how sophisticated the psychic field is today.

Despite the stigma, many people see psychics.

And report, they’ve had results that are life changing. They may gain clarity around a decision they have to make or feel more empowered to take an ambitious action. They may be in deep grief and needed to hear from their loved one in spirit that they’re ok. 

Psychic Readings are considered an alternative therapy.

East has met West. The old stereotype about psychics is way out of date. There are still frauds and gypsies who give the profession a bad name but these charlatans are in the minority. Today people seek out psychics for more than being entertained or hearing predictions about their future. They talk to psychics about some of the most important things going on in their life.

Frequently, a referral from a friend who has had success with their session gives a person courage to try it themselves. In fact, you need to have a session yourself before you form an opinion. 

Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today

I've assisted many of my clients in identifying their true purpose and needs in life through using their intuition. It is only in this way that you can fulfill yourself and achieve your actual goals. 

Interested in scheduling an intuitive session with Boson's top psychic? To book your ZOOM or phone session, CLICK HERE.

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