We all dream. Every night while we sleep, our minds open up to the realm of the unconscious and conjure up imagery, thoughts, sounds and all types of subjective sensations. We may not remember many of our dreams, but those we do remember can include people and places we know, people and places we’ve yet to meet or visit or some we have never even heard of. Yet how do we know if our dreams are psychic dreams? How can we tell if our dreams are trying to tell us something from beyond?
When your mind is open to intuitive psychic experiences, you may find yourself dreaming of the future, otherwise known as precognitive dreaming. Most people who have psychic dreams may not know it until they receive validation in waking life. For example, a woman may dream of a cottage in the woods so often, it becomes a muse for her artistic nature and she paints lovely pictures of her dream home. A few years later, she meets a man and falls in love. He takes her to his family’s getaway cottage and low and behold, it is the exact home the woman had been dreaming about for most of her adult life. Through this validation, the woman realizes she had been experiencing precognitive dreams.
This type of psychic dream is almost like a voice from the other side letting you know that you are on the right path. Dreams like these are usually very specific, either in a particular place or where you notice specific details in the actions and surroundings of your dream. Then sometime in the future, you find yourself in that very exact situation where you may even experience deja vu.
Other types of psychic dreams act more as warnings from the Other Side. A dream may show you something terribly unpleasant that may happen if you continue down the same path you are on. You experience the negative consequences of your actions in your dream, thus allowing yourself to adjust the path you are on while awake. You can consciously choose to avoid the unpleasantness in your dreams by making better decisions and trusting your psychic intuition.
Other types of dreams can include visitation from spirits on the Other Side. For example, if you are psychic and a skeptic about your own ability, or have blocked yourself from opening up to the spirit world while awake, the spirits will visit you in dreams. Usually it is simply a way to try to communicate with you, such as sitting on the edge of your bed or giving you a hug in your dream.

How can you tell if you are having psychic dreams? Many times you may never know until you receive confirmation in the waking world about a psychic dream that has come true. However, there are some ways to learn how to distinguish between a regular dream and a psychic dream.
The first thing you should do if you want to start determining if you are a psychic dreamer is to start a dream journal and record all of your dreams in as much detail as you can remember. This can be a notebook or an electronic voice recorder that you keep beside your bed and speak into when you first wake up. This is the time you will recall the most from your dreams.
Then you can put your dreams to the test. If you dream of the beach, go to the beach and see what else comes to mind that you may not have known about. If you dream of a sick friend, call and check in on them. The point of this is to not let your dreams go so easily, if you feel they mean more than simple random thoughts, explore them in your waking life.
As you become more of an expert on your own dreams, you may begin to recognize certain patterns that occur while psychic dreaming. Are colors more vivid during psychic dreams? Are people and places more real or surreal? Can you control your dreams, are you lucid and aware you are dreaming? Do you have more psychic dreams during different phases of the moon? Make sure to take notes of different details and aspects of your dreams and the frequency with which they occur and you may start to recognize a pattern to your psychic dreaming.
When a spirit shows up in your dream, there is usually an otherworldly quality to the dream. You may know or sense that it wasn’t a normal dream. It’s rare that a spirit will speak in a visitation dream. If you’re going through something significant in your waking life, a spirit may show up in your dreams to comfort and support you and to let you know they’re around you.
As a medium and intuitive psychic, I help many people with concerns about their dreams. If you feel you need guidance or answers about your dreams, or wish to understand these types of dreams more thoroughly, I’d be happy to help.
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