Boston, MA
It’s really easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the chaos that life can become sometimes. We all have family responsibilities, bills to pay, deadlines to meet, coworkers to deal with, and perhaps quite appropriate to the current times, concerns about political or societal injustices. Losing your cool and giving in to anxiety and negative energy affects not only yourself and the decisions you make (which can often exacerbate the challenges you’re facing), but it impacts those around you, permeating your closest relationships.
As one of Boston’s best psychic mediums, I have found there are some ways to manage this anxiety so that you can not only feel better in the present moment, but also make better decisions with a calm mind.
#1: Meditation opens you to the wisdom of your higher self and the Universe.
Connecting spiritually with yourself and the Universe through meditation can bring incredible clarity and serenity at even the most turbulent of times. It may help you see the situation in a new light, or uncover otherwise hidden solutions. And while you may not be able to change the circumstances around you, you can change the way you react to them – which will impact the decisions you make, inevitably affecting the way your future unfolds.
#2: Positive daily affirmations help you stave off negativity.
Choose an affirmation that helps you maintain balance and be the best person you can be, such as, “Be love.” First thing in the morning, and last thing at night, take a look in the mirror and tell yourself to “Be love.” If during the day you find yourself thinking, speaking, or acting in a negative way about yourself or others, stop dead in your tracks and make a shift. Repeat your positive affirmation, “Be love.” You will find it can instantly change your perspective and mood. You won’t feed into the negativity of others, or spread and perpetuate it.
#3: Staying thankful keeps you grounded.
Even during the toughest of times, find something to be thankful for, no matter how big or small. It will remind you how truly abundant your life is, help you keep perspective, and invite more positivity in.
Contact Boston’s Top Psychic Today
Over the past 30 years, I have used my intuitive gifts to help my clients connect with their higher selves so they can live their best lives. If you’d like the help of a professional intuitive and want to book your Zoom or phone session, CLICK HERE.